About us


Actieve aandeelhouder

Pentahold acts as an active shareholder by being closely involved in determining the company’s vision and strategy. Defining and monitoring financial and strategic objectives is a crucial part of our approach. As management is an essential partner in determining and executing the strategic plan, Pentahold is also actively involved in the selection and recruitment of the management team.

Added value

Pentahold’s management has experience as an active partner of successful companies in the Benelux since 1999. This experience in sectors such as food, applied chemistry, machine construction, retail and pharmaceuticals, in combination with the use of a very extensive network, means that Pentahold can create added value in countless situations. Pentahold strives to create added value by acting as a sounding board for management, without intending to take over the day-to-day management itself, and by providing access to the network of valuable contacts with extensive industry knowledge and financial competences of investors and management.

Midden tot lange termijn

Stability in the shareholding is essential for a company, unlike ‘traditional’ private equity funds, Pentahold has no limitation with regard to the investment horizon for a participation. Pentahold strives to systematically create value for its shareholders by driving the growth of its holdings through a commitment and industry vision. While private equity funds often opt for maximum debt financing, Pentahold opts for a more conservative approach.


Pentahold’s shareholding is balanced and consists of 5 private entrepreneurial investors and management. In addition to financial resources, they also make their expertise and network available to Pentahold and its participations. They all share the same passion: doing business to develop a company. They understand what it takes to build a business successfully.


Geert Vanderstappen

Geert Vanderstappen

Geert Vanderstappen combines the experience of 5 years as a Corporate Officer at the Corporate & Investment Banking department of Generale Bank, with 7 years of operational experience as a financial director at Spector Photo Group. Since 1999, he has been managing partner of the Buy Out Fund, a successful closed-end fund, specialized in buy outs (now in liquidation). In addition to being a partner at Pentahold, he holds a number of mandates as an independent director and member of the audit committee at listed companies.


Karel Gielen

Karel Gielen

Karel Gielen has more than 25 years of experience in the banking sector. Since 1999, he has been managing partner of the Buy Out Fund, a successful closed-end fund, specialized in buy outs (now in liquidation). In addition to being a partner at Pentahold, he fulfills a number of mandates as an independent director at medium-sized companies.
